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Stretched along a stunning coastline and renowned for its deep harbor, Port Distance is a gem in the southern reaches of Aanveil. Although the city proclaims itself as "independent," it is, in reality, a vassal of Hamm. Its strategic location along the temperate coast and its exceptional beaches have made it a favored holiday destination for the wealthy elite of Hamm.


Port Distance is a bustling hub of trade and luxury, where the rich and powerful maintain lavish villas and secure prime dock space for their ships. The port’s wealth is evident in its vibrant markets, where goods from all corners of Aanveil—whether common, rare, or exotic—are readily available. This thriving trade center benefits immensely from its position at the crossroads of commerce, connected to the northern trade route via Anchorage and the southern route through Cin-Vento. The city’s prosperity is complemented by its occasional displays of power. Hamm, while maintaining a subtle grip over the port, occasionally flexes its muscle to remind all who hold sway over Port Distance. These demonstrations of strength ensure that the city's vassalage remains clear, even amidst its opulence and apparent independence.With its blend of breathtaking natural beauty and its role as a major trading nexus, Port Distance stands as a symbol of wealth and influence in the region, a place where luxury meets commerce on the shores of Aanveil.

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